The new year always seems like a good time for new beginnings, including making some changes around your home. Whether you want to save money by using homemade laundry detergent, make some green changes in your cleaning routine, or just get on top of all the overwhelming housework, a few small changes can have a big impact on both your wallet and your peace of mind.
If you’ve decided to make getting your house in order a priority this year, we have six great ways to kick things off right. Let’s get ready for a cleaner, more organized 2024 with these New Year’s cleaning resolutions.
Start by establishing a cleaning routine
The best way to make sure you stay on target with your New Year’s cleaning resolution is to create a schedule that you’ll actually adhere to every week. You can make one yourself, or buy one online, but either way a printed chore chart will help to keep you motivated, with checklists to help break down the tasks that can sometimes feel overwhelming. Plus, it’s really satisfying to check off items as you complete them.
This one has designated zones for daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning tasks, so your cleaning jobs never get out of hand.
6 New Year’s cleaning resolutions you’ll want to follow all year long
Looking for resolutions for a cleaner new year? Declutter your life and your home with these amazing ideas.
1. Go green
A new year marks the perfect opportunity for you to switch your cleaning products for more eco-friendly options. Every day there are more and more natural cleaning products available for effectively cleaning your home while also reducing your carbon footprint. There is an entire line of products from Method for cleaning every area of your home, including All-Purpose Pink Grapefruit Cleaning Spray that knocks out dirt with the power of plants and is non-toxic and made with biodegradable ingredients.
Want to take it a step further? You can make your own household cleaning products using basic ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, and rubbing alcohol.
2. Declutter
Right after the holidays is the perfect time to reinforce the “one in, one out” rule. Before the kids put away their new toys and clothes, have them fill up a bag to donate to charity. Go through your holiday decorations and get rid of the ones that don’t hold sentimental value or have seen better days.
Do a full cleanout of your closet and drawers, giving away any clothing that doesn’t fit, is out of fashion, or in the words of Marie Kondo, “no longer sparks joy.” Graphic tees are fine for working out or when home projects like painting your living room come around, but there’s no reason why you should have a collection of a dozen or more. Pare down on the things you have too many of, and always donate one old item for every new one you bring into your home.
Go into your bathroom vanity and toss out the shampoos and makeup that are past their expiration date. If you have a drawer filled with travel-size toiletries from hotel stays, you can donate them to a local shelter. The same goes for the pantry — clean it out and get rid of anything that is expired or old. If it’s been in there for a year or more, even if it isn’t technically expired, you probably aren’t going to use it and can toss it out.
3. Tackle laundry on laundry day
One of the quickest ways for messes to get out of control is to let clothes pile up around the house. Whether hampers are overflowing or clean clothes are sitting in baskets waiting to be folded and put away, the longer you wait, the messier your home will look.
Prioritize your laundry routine by getting into the habit of putting clothes, towels, and linens away every single time they come out of the dryer. The few minutes you’ll spend sorting and folding will be well worth the effort when the result is a clean and tidy home. If you have older children in your household, this is a good chore to give them. It’s relatively easy to accomplish and will give them a sense of responsibility.
4. Designate a few minutes each night to tidy up your spaces
Set a timer before bed each night — even just five minutes — you’ll be shocked by how much you can get done when the clock is ticking. In a few minutes, you can hang up your clothes, put shoes into the closet, wipe down your bathroom vanity and mirror, pick up any trash around the room, and even give the rugs a quick vacuum. When you make a 5-minute straighten up a part of your nightly routine, your home should never be messy. This is also a great habit to teach children at a young age.
5. Don’t let kitchen messes get out of control
Along with the bathroom, your kitchen is probably the hardest cleaning area to tackle. Make sure it never gets overwhelmingly messy by sticking to a few easy-to-follow rules:
- Clean while you cook. That means as food is simmering on the stove, you can wash and put away cutting boards, bowls, and knives, and return extra ingredients to the fridge, pantry, or spice rack.
- Always do the dishes after every meal. That could mean simply loading into the dishwasher or washing dishes by hand, but a sink full of dishes is the fastest way to make your kitchen look dirty.
- Spray down and wipe the countertops so they look and smell clean.
- If you have a dishwasher, run it at night before bed and unload clean dishes in the morning so dirty dishes won’t need to pile up in your sink.
6. Set aside one hour per week for big cleaning jobs
If your home gets overwhelmingly messy, it can feel impossible to get to those big tasks like cleaning baseboards, wiping out the refrigerator, mopping floors, and cleaning your oven. That’s why designating just one hour per week for big cleaning jobs can be a game-changer in maintaining a clean and tidy home without feeling overwhelmed. This dedicated time slot allows you to tackle often neglected tasks in manageable increments. By breaking these big cleaning chores into bite-sized pieces, you prevent burnout and make cleaning less daunting.
Consistency is key; over time, this habit ensures that your home stays in top shape, reducing the need for intensive and exhausting cleaning sessions. Plus, the satisfaction of a consistently clean living space can positively impact your overall well-being, creating a more peaceful and organized environment to relax and thrive in.
The trick to making any New Year’s resolution stick is to start with small changes, cement them as part of your regular routine, and then add in a few more. Before you know it, you’ll make permanent improvements that will make your home look better and run more efficiently. And that will make your life better, too.