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Yes, you still need to stay organized when you’re a minimalist – here’s how

Being a minimalist means that you like to live with less. You thrive on having the bare minimum and can use what you have for multiple purposes. It is a great lifestyle choice for saving money and having less stuff to take care of. Being a minimalist, however, doesn’t mean it’s always easy to stay organized. Sometimes, you need to take a step back and really see what you have in order to figure out the best place for everything. Minimalists need a different tactic when it comes to organizing. Most people buy storage bins and cabinets to accommodate for items, but this can go against what it means to be a minimalist. There are many home organization tips and tricks that keep things minimal. Find the ones that work best for you without sacrificing your minimalist lifestyle.

Neat living room with rug, coffee table, and small record player
Ian Dooley/unsplash

Everything should have a home

To ensure your minimalist lifestyle remains intact, all of your items should have a bin, drawer, shelf, or other storage location. When everything has a specific spot, it is easy to ensure you are only replacing old items and not adding new ones. For example, a bin for laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dryer sheets is the perfect way to store your laundry items. Whenever you run out of something, you can easily replace it. This type of storage tactic also lets you know when you need new grocery items.

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Use vertical space

Utilizing vertical space in your home can clear up the floor and save space. Things like pegboards, hanging baskets, hooks, and more are some ways you can store and display some of your items. Cork boards can help eliminate paper clutter on counters by posting them up and storing pens in a little basket for notes, grocery lists, and reminders. Using up the vertical space in your home will give you more openness on the ground and on surfaces. It will help you maintain the minimalist look.

Decorate with furniture that has hidden storage

Benches, couches, ottomans, and more can all have hidden storage features. It is just a matter of finding the right pieces that fit your style. Furniture with hidden storage ensures that your home will stay clean-looking, and it will protect any items that would otherwise be left out. This type of furniture helps to maximize space and keep your spaces from looking cluttered.

Houzz suggests, “Spaces beneath staircases are great opportunities for good storage, but so often they become cluttered and impossible to organize.”

Use labels

Labeling items is especially handy in the pantry. Utilize identical jars and buckets to store food and cooking equipment. Labeling each jar and bucket will help you find your items quickly and efficiently. You can utilize labeling in any part of your home. It helps you keep items in identical containers without adding any confusion as to what is in which jar. Labels can help you achieve the minimalist style by decluttering and getting everything in perfectly organized order.

Apartment Therapy says, “Wherever you’ve put an organizational system into place, labels give everyone—including you!—that extra nudge to put each thing back in its designated spot.”

Chair with wicker basket on a hardwood floor
Sarah Dorweiler / Unsplash

Have a drop zone in place for where clutter accumulates

Everyone has a place in their home where items get tossed and will be “picked up later.” It could be a closet or a large chair that accumulates jackets, hats, purses, umbrellas, and anything else. Utilize a large, hidden bin or box in the drop zone. This will allow you to hide the clutter effortlessly while also providing the convenience of easily putting items back where they belong. Imagine it being equivalent to a library book-return box. Everyone drops off their books into the bin, and a librarian puts them back in their correct spots at the end of the day. It is the same, efficient concept.

Decoist says this about a small area like an entryway, “It’s not just a place where you hang your coats, leave your shoes and drop off your purse. It’s an important part of your living space and should be honored as such. A wonderful way to decorate an entryway is to keep it clean and minimal.”

Reassess your items every few months

Even the most experienced minimalist can accidentally acquire more than they intended. If you reassess your inventory every few months, it will ensure you aren’t collecting more than you want. It also prevents too much buildup if you check your items consistently.

The purpose of maintaining a minimalist lifestyle is to live more simply. You can use these home-organization ideas to ensure your home remains clutter-free, clean, and functional at all times. Take your time and decide which tips and tactics work best for you, and you’ll be on your way to a functional, minimalist design in no time.

Deb Goncalves
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Deb's work has appeared on Moms, Babygaga, and WorldAtlas. When she's not working (that's hard to say about a Capricorn), she…
How to properly store your winter clothes now that spring is here
woman carrying folded winter sweaters

Warmer weather means it is time to put away the heavy sweaters and coats. For many, that means freeing up space in your closet and storing them elsewhere. Sure, you can jam them into a bin and call it a day, but that translates into having more on your plate next winter when you need them again. By storing them methodically and efficiently, they will stay fresh and be ready to wear as soon as the air turns cold. This year, follow our clothing storage ideas to keep your winter clothes in tip-top shape.
Clean start
Before you pack clothes away, now is the perfect time to sort through them—no point in storing something you simply don't wear anymore. Rule of thumb—if you have not worn something in the past year, it is time to pass it on. Make piles—keep, donate, or toss. This way, you will be ahead of the game next winter and have a more streamlined closet.

Next, you will want to ensure all the items you are storing are clean. Remove any stains and odors because months in storage will only set them in. Moths are also more attracted to soiled clothing. When cleaning, stay away from fabric softeners, starch, and bleach, as pests are also drawn to the smell. Simply use basic detergent or get items dry cleaned.
To fold or to hang?
When deciding how to keep items when they are stowed away, it is best to follow how you regularly store the clothing when it is in your closet. Hang clothes that will get wrinkled if they are folded like coats and pleated pants or skirts. Fold items such as sweaters that could lose their shape or stretch if they were hung. For delicate or embellished pieces, use acid-free tissue paper to protect them.
How to store
The way you store items is often dictated by the amount of space you have. In general, plastic bins are an economical option for storing folded clothes, and since you can stack them vertically, they take up very little floor space. Labeling them will make it easier if you ever need to retrieve something quickly.

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Looking to redecorate? Here’s how to make your apartment look great
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A change of scenery in the form of redecorating may be just what you need for an overall pick-me-up. But redecorating can be tricky if you are a renter, as you don’t really have total freedom with your decor options.

But there are many opportunities to do a refresh that won’t mean you forfeit your security deposit, and many of those options are relatively inexpensive.

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Choosing a couch for a small apartment can be so simple — here’s how it’s done
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Furnishing an apartment or smaller space has its challenges. You need seating, so you start looking for sofas for small apartments, but there’s also an argument for furnishing a small living room with a sectional. Then you see chaise or settee descriptions and find out "couch" and "sofa" may be interchangeable in conversation but may mean different things to salespeople. Understanding the terms and your space will help you make a smart decision. 
What’s in a name?
If you walk into a furniture store or go online and start looking at sofas, you begin seeing options that are about 84 inches long and have three or four cushions. You find out that an apartment-sized sofa is between 73 and 75 inches long, and a couch has either a half back or no back on it. You will also learn that a loveseat is only 42 inches long but usually functions as a stand-alone piece of furniture.

A settee has an upholstered seat versus cushions and has arms and a back. It can seat two or more people. A backless sofa is also sometimes referred to as a chaise lounge, but keep in mind that many people find sitting for long periods with no back or side support uncomfortable.

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