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Fall and winter lawn-mowing tips everyone should follow

Your lawn still needs maintenance when the weather starts to cool

green lawn
yosi assis potos / Shutterstock

Many homeowners consider spring and summer to be the time best time to take care of their lawns. When the leaves drop, the lawnmower is stored for the season and DIY landscaping efforts are suspended as weekend warriors turn their attention to indoor projects.

The reality is that fall and winter offer the perfect opportunity to invest time in taking care of your lawn and landscape so it will be even more beautiful in the spring. Following just a few simple fall and winter lawn care practices in the cooler months will prevent damage and ensure a thick, beautiful lawn when the weather warms up.

Tall grass with good lawn maintenance
Petar Tonchev / Unsplash

Remove leaves to let grass breathe

Leaves of red, yellow, and brown may look like a beautiful carpet of jewel tones, but they need to be removed from your lawn quickly. It is important that any fallen leaves are raked or blown off the lawn regularly. Make sure to check corners and against the foundation where they can collect.

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When the grass becomes covered in leaves, light is blocked and moisture gets trapped. This is a deadly combination for grass and is attractive to mold, mildew, and insects that may wreak havoc. This often leads to dead spots and offers places for weeds to grow.

Man mowing the lawn
encierro / Shutterstock

Keep mowing until the first hard frost

Summer is over, and by now you may be tired of mowing. Although it is tempting to put the mower away, the reality is, grass will continue to grow until the first hard frost. If you don’t keep trimming into the fall and grass gets too long, it will offer a breeding ground for fungi.

As with any time of year, it is best to mow when conditions are dry. Regular cuts are imperative, but keep the grass at 2.5 to 3 inches so it is thick enough to withstand the cold winter. Another bonus of mowing regularly is if you haven’t let the autumn leaves get too thick, the mower will take care of them for you and even create a nice compost to add to your lawn.

Close-up of sprinkler spraying water on grass
topseller / Shutterstock

Continue watering to ensure lawn hydration

In the fall, people often discontinue watering. With cooler weather, they think the lawn will be fine on its own. However, it is important to pay attention to rainfall and make sure your sod is adequately hydrated going into the winter.

Person wearing foot aerators
NinaMalyna / Shutterstock

Aerate and fertilize your lawn

Proper lawn aeration practices prevent the soil from becoming too compacted and covered with thatch — a thick layer of roots, stems, and debris that block oxygen, water, and nutrients from getting to the soil. A simple core aerator will alleviate both issues, and lawn-care experts say the best time is right before fertilizing your lawn to ensure the fertilizer reaches the roots.

Just after loosening the soil and mowing, give your lawn a good feeding. Hot summer days are stressful for your lawn, and the cooler temperatures of autumn are ideal for the grass to regain strength. With more moisture present, the grass will do a much better job of absorbing the fertilizer. It’s best to fertilize the lawn in the early morning or early evening, and never before a heavy rainfall.

lawn mower
Daniel Watson / Unsplash

Address bare spots in your lawn

If you want to ensure a lush lawn in the upcoming spring and summer months, fixing patchy grass and bare spots in the fall is crucial. Begin by raking the area to remove debris and loosen the soil. Next, overseed the bare spots with a suitable grass seed variety, making sure to follow recommended seeding rates.

You should also apply a thin layer of compost or topsoil to enhance seed-to-soil contact. Regular watering is also essential to keep the newly seeded areas consistently moist. This proactive approach in the fall will lead to a vibrant and thriving lawn in the warmer months ahead.

pruning tree in winter
Adam Radosavljevic / Shutterstock

Lawn design

Soon after the leaves drop, you will want to cut back perennials for the winter. The important thing is to wait until the plant has gone through a few hard freezes. Ensure that after cutting the plant, it is dormant and will not have any new growth. Cut perennial grasses and plants 3 inches above the ground using garden scissors or pruning shears. This is also the ideal time to mulch garden beds to ensure they remain neat and attractive.

On the other hand, trees and shrubs should be pruned in the late winter just before spring. This will not only clean up the shape of them, it will also encourage the growth of more flowers and fruit. Just remember not to prune on damp days, as there is a greater chance of encouraging the growth of microbes and spreading disease.

To keep your lawn looking healthy, try to discourage people from walking on it when it is covered in ice or a heavy frost. This will severely damage grass blades. Snow is usually not an issue, but be careful not to overload a certain area with too much, which can lead to something called snow mold. It typically occurs in places of dense snow like a spot where you have cleared the driveway and heaved snow onto the lawn.

Darcey Gohring
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Darcey Gohring is a freelance writer based just outside New York City. She served as the managing editor of New Jersey…
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Home with manicured lawn

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Landscaping mistakes
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Not having a game plan
One of the biggest mistakes is not having a plan when it comes to the design and layout of your landscaping. This can leave your yard feeling disjointed and your plants at risk of looking overgrown and out of place. Meet with a local garden expert or map out your front yard, including where all plants, trees, rocks, water features, and flowers will live. This will help ensure things don't look too busy or sparse, and it will make your yard feel well thought out.
Using the wrong plants
Understand which plants work for your exact yard. If they need full sun or partial shade, or require a lot of maintenance, it may be a disaster waiting to happen. Not only do you need to consider placement in terms of sunlight, but different flowers and plants have varying schedules of watering, so you want to know exactly what's expected before you plant them.
Too many decorations
Everyone loves a yard that changes with the season in terms of decor, but you can overdo it. You want to avoid garden decor that makes your front yard look tacky or cheap (we're talking to you, plastic deer), so keep decorations to a minimum.

Color pitfalls
We love color, but you need to be careful how and where you use it.
Choosing all one color
We love a monochromatic look as much as the next person, but your home should be welcoming and warm from the first glance. If you prefer having your house the same color as outdoor furniture and plants/flowers, use it as a backdrop. Add one or two pops of color with chair pillows or your front door to breathe a little life into your home.
Choosing too many colors
While it's good to have a little variety, you don't want to overwhelm the outside of your home. Bright colors may work in some parts of the country, but go easy on the rest of your choices. Picking one primary color and one contrasting color that complements it is the safest approach, especially if you're planning to sell your home.

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Garage and driveway with man shoveling snow

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