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Secrets revealed: 7 incredible spring cleaning tips the experts swear by

Spring cleaning is a wonderful way to renew your home, making the entire house look and smell fresh again. Yet many of us dread spring cleaning because it can be such a hefty task. If you wish you could fast forward to the part where your home is perfectly neat and tidy, then try some spring cleaning tips from the experts themselves. We spoke to three house cleaning experts who shared their tips for a successful spring cleaning, so making your home spotless and sparkling will be a breeze.

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Give yourself plenty of time

First, spring cleaning is not a race. You may just want to get it over with, but for the best results, take your time. Don’t expect to clean the entire house in just an hour or two. Brenda Scott, owner of Tidy My Space, suggests setting aside one to three hours of cleaning at a time. This can be spread out over a week or two, but don’t expect to be done in a single day or weekend, she cautioned.

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“Write it into your calendar and commit one to three hours of focused cleaning at a time,” Scott said. “Never try to get everything done quickly; that’s when accidents happen.”

Start in the kitchen

Your kitchen may need the most TLC if you haven’t cleaned it thoroughly in a while, so it’s a great place to start. Once it’s out of the way, you’ll be more motivated to tackle other areas of the house. 

Leanne Stapf, chief operating officer of the Cleaning Authority, an at-home cleaning service with more than 235 locations nationwide, recommends the following: 

  • Change out the ice trays and water filter.
  • Scrub down trash cans.
  • Go through the spice cabinet and throw out anything you’re no longer using.
  • Give the refrigerator a deep clean.

“To keep yourself organized, you can buy simple bins from the dollar store and keep food in different containers within your shelves,” Stapf said. “When putting items with an expiration date label in the fridge, face the label outward so you see it every time you ‘scan’ the fridge and avoid holding onto old, spoiled products.”

Work high to low

When deep cleaning, it’s best to start at the ceiling and work your way down. Scott recommends the following to get started on your spring cleaning:

  • Use a broom with a clean pillowcase on it to remove any dust webs.
  • Inspect the ceiling for damage that needs repairing, such as patching a crack in the plaster or painting over it.
  • Wipe down all ceiling fixtures and ceiling fans.
  • Test all smoke and CO2 detectors, and change the batteries.

“An easy way of remembering to replace the batteries is that at the change of season, change the batteries,” Scott said.

Clean out all closets

Spring is a great time to make space in your closets. Use this time to assess what you really want to keep and what can be donated or thrown away. Jonathon Reckles, VP of marketing at CD One Price Cleaners, encourages customers to reevaluate items and swap out winter and spring clothes. His pro tip is to store delicates, such as sweaters and coats, in a sealed, plastic container for the spring.

“Clothing and accessories that make you feel the best, look the best, and bring out the best in you should definitely be kept and stored safely and securely for the next cold-weather season,” Reckles said.

De-germ the house

Be sure to have disinfectant wipes and sanitizing sprays at the ready. Stapf believes the best way to sanitize household items and surfaces is to “take a disinfectant wipe and clean as needed to help protect against any illnesses.”

Some areas you’ll want to de-germ are doorknobs, handles, electronics, remote controls, and even your cell phone.

Vinegar is your friend

Stapf swears by using vinegar to deep clean certain parts of the home. “From microwaves to showerheads, vinegar is one of the most popular, eco-friendly, and versatile cleaning staples around,” she said. She also offered the following advice:

  • Wipe down shower doors with distilled white vinegar.
  • Keep kitchen and bathroom drains clog-free by pouring a cup of white distilled vinegar down them. Allow it to sit for half an hour, then run cold water to flush it out.
  • Scrub countertop and other tile surfaces, or mop your floors. Mix half a cup of white distilled vinegar with half a gallon of warm water to clean these surfaces.
  • To remove mattress stains, spray the mattress with vinegar and sprinkle baking soda over the top. Then, place a towel over the area and let it sit for an hour or two. Then, take your vacuum and go over the mattress for a final clean. 

Wash windows inside and out

Finally, Scott recommends washing and cleaning your windows in their entirety. Wash the inside and outside. Also vacuum dust from the shades and curtains, which could also use a deeper cleaning in the washing machine. Scott’s hack? Use nail polish remover over tough spots on window screens and seals.

Spring cleaning can be a huge, daunting task. But by following some expert tips, you can ensure that your spring cleaning goes smoothly and leaves your home in tip-top shape. So set your cleaning agenda for the new season and get to work!

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