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This is the easiest way to clean your room without wasting your whole weekend

Your bedroom should be your oasis. It’s a place to adjourn to at day’s end, recharge your batteries, and get the rest and relaxation you need to tackle whatever tomorrow throws your way. Many small details contribute to the perfect bedroom, including the paint colors, bedspread, and aromas, all factors which can promote wellness and relaxation. But none of those suggestions will mean a thing if your room is a cluttered mess. 

Dodging laundry baskets heaped with unfolded clothing, dust bunnies the size of tumbleweeds, or dressers dotted with a haphazard array of toiletries and old magazines is hardly conducive to feeling Zen. Understandably, tidying can feel like more trouble than it’s worth since deep cleaning your room often takes up way too much valuable free time.

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While cleaning your room may not be the most enjoyable way to spend your evening, it doesn’t have to be such a time-consuming process. Tidy up your refuge and take back your weekend with this easy-to-follow guide.

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Supplies to gather before cleaning your room

By picking up after yourself regularly and sticking to an intuitive organization method, you can reduce the need for a deep clean every week. That being said, it’s still good to give your room a good scrubbing every so often, and when you do, you’ll need to have all these supplies on hand. 

What you’ll need:

  • Vacuum or broom
  • Laundry basket
  • Trash container
  • Dust rag and furniture spray or polish
  • Organization bins and boxes

In addition to the cleaning and organizing supplies above, one thing we find indispensable for making any humdrum chore less tedious is audio entertainment — be it music, podcasts, or audiobooks. While putting on a TV show in the background is also helpful, sometimes it can be too distracting. Instead, pop in a pair of headsets and jam out while you tidy up.

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Easy ways to clean your room

For those who struggle to find the motivation to clean, we recommend setting a timer. Instead of dreading the heavy task of cleaning for who knows how long, you can decide how much time to spend on each task. Even a 30-minute cleaning session can make a huge difference. You’ll be surprised how much you can get done in a short period of time when you truly focus.

Dirty clothes

Gather any dirty clothes that are strewn around your room, across the back of a chair, at the foot of your bed, or on the floor, and place them inside the hamper. No need to sort clothing now — you can do that on laundry day. The important thing is getting everything into the hamper and off of the floor. 

Clean clothes

It’s finally time to tackle those laundry baskets that are overflowing with towels and sheets. Dedicate a little time to folding and putting them away. Laundry — both dirty and clean — is often the single biggest culprit in making bedrooms messy. After a long day, the last thing you want to do is spend more time dealing with piles of clothes.

You’ll thank yourself later for the extra effort, though, so put towels and sheets inside linen closets, folded clothing back inside dressers, and formal wear on hangers in your closet.

Make your bed

An unmade bed can make a messy room look even messier. Take a few minutes to make your bed and make a habit of it every morning. Your room will instantly look less cluttered and more inviting.

Tidy up the floor

Clear floor space can make the room appear bigger, so do a quick sweep and pick everything up from the floor that doesn’t belong there. Put shoes in the closet, stack magazines on a bookshelf, and throw away junk mail. Once the floors are clear, vacuum rugs and sweep hardwood to remove dust and dirt, leaving your floors sparkling and your air feeling fresh.

Dressers and nightstands

Some items, like perfume bottles, family photos, and jewelry trays or boxes, belong on your bedroom dresser or nightstand. Others certainly do not. Throw away any trash and food wrappers, bring cups and bowls to the kitchen, and organize any random papers or pieces of mail.  Next, dust the surfaces of your dresser and nightstands, and spray them with some furniture polish for a fresh, clean smell. 

Tackle junk drawers

If you have a little more motivation, take the time to rifle through any junk drawers or catch-all storage solutions. Everything deserves a place, so invest in more desk or closet organizers to keep all knick-knacks tidy and out of the way.

While this chore can be tiresome, dividing it into smaller, more manageable tasks can give you the motivation you need to finish up the project in record time.

Kim Renta
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Kim has written for Bloomingdales, Movado, and various e-commerce wine sites. When she's not writing about wine and…
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