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These are the best plants to put in your shower for a nature-inspired sanctuary

Adding a plant to your shower benefits both you and the plant

Bathroom plants are a rising trend, and for good reason. Who wouldn’t want to add a touch of refined nature or create a cozy farmhouse feel in their bathroom? Placing a plant in the shower, however, might seem a bit odd. The truth is, there are many benefits to having a plant in your shower, both for you and for the plant itself. We’re going to discuss some of these benefits, and we’re going to give you some ideas for the best plants to put in your shower. Once you’ve added a touch of nature to your shower, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

White bathroom with plants
Ground Picture / Shutterstock

Why put plants in your shower?

Above and beyond adding a bit of color to your dim shower, there are some health and environmental benefits to keeping plants in your shower.

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Less unwanted moisture

It’s no secret that bathrooms tend to be hot spots for humidity. Excessive amounts of moisture, however, can have some adverse effects. Mold can grow around your bathroom, the paint on the walls can peel, and certain nasty bugs are attracted to moist places. A shower plant can help reduce unwanted moisture in your bathroom and minimize some of these issues. Since plants need water, they suck it right out of the air, providing the added benefit of not having to water the plant as often.

Cleaner air

You probably know that plants pull carbon dioxide out of the air and emit oxygen, right? But did you know that while this process is taking place, the plant is also filtering the air and pulling toxins out of it? With all of the cleaning products, hair products, and other nasty molecules that leave toxins in your bathroom’s air, having a shower plant will allow you to breathe a bit easier and healthier.

Mental health benefits

Having indoor plants comes with numerous health benefits, but the most significant are the benefits to your mental health. We all know that plants are therapeutic, and studies have shown that plants help with stress relief, energy boosts, and even increased concentration and productivity. Why not reap all these mental health benefits right at the start of your day while you shower in the morning?

Elevated decor

Let’s face it, indoor plants are beautiful, and they add so much charm and character to any room. Why not apply that same philosophy to your bathroom and shower? Having a plant in your shower is not only trendy and aesthetically pleasing, but it will leave you feeling like you’re showering in the tropics.

The plants love it

Putting a plant in the shower not only benefits you, but it also benefits the plant itself. Many plants thrive in humid environments, so you’ll see them flourish in your bathroom. If you tend to forget to water your plants for long periods of time, having them in an already moist area will allow you to feel less guilty about neglecting them.

Bathroom lowlight plants
New Africa / Shutterstock

What are the best plants to put in your shower?

Before deciding on which plant is best for your shower, there are a few things to consider. The best plants for your shower are ones that like humid, high-moisture environments. You’ll also want to think about how much natural light comes into your shower. If you have windows in your bathroom, you’ll have a wider variety of options for what type of shower plant you can have. If you don’t have windows, don’t fret. There are still quite a few options that require low natural light to thrive.

Boston fern

Boston ferns grow naturally on the forest floor, so they are able to withstand limited light and high humidity. Aside from the fact that they like moisture and indirect sunlight, what makes Boston ferns an excellent choice for a shower plant is that they neutralize odors and clear the air of toxins.

Air plant

These little beauties have become fairly popular due to their low-maintenance qualities. They require no soil, and they do well with low light and even in the shade. This, combined with their love of humid conditions, makes them perfect shower companions. An even better benefit to air plants is that they are not toxic to your pets.

Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo has a simple and unassuming appearance that is beloved by minimalists. It can match your bathroom decor easily without appearing too indulgent. These plants do well in the shower due to their need for indirect and minimal light and the fact that they don’t need soil to survive. They love humid environments and require a lot of water to flourish.

English ivy

This beautiful vining plant looks amazing when hung from the ceiling or placed on a high shelf.  It makes it a great choice for a bathroom with limited surface area or counter space. English ivy is also known as an excellent air-purifying plant, and it excels at removing toxins from the air in your bathroom.

Bathroom with many plants
Luoxi / Shutterstock

The health benefits of a shower plant alone are enough to justify going out and splurging on some plants to put in your shower. Add the fact that the plants benefit from being in the shower, as well as the aesthetic appeal added to your bathroom decor, and there’s just no reason not to jump on this growing trend. Pick out one of the ideal candidates on our list today and start reaping the beautiful benefits of a shower plant tomorrow.

Veronica Sparks
Veronica Sparks is a writer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin who loves writing about gardening, home décor, and DIY life. She’s…
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