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The best moss

Adding moss to your garden or terrarium is the easiest way to improve its look and soil quality. When preserved or dried, mosses are also a beautiful addition to crafts, terrariums, or indoor plants. We created this complete list of the best mosses to help you decide on the perfect match for your home-improvement project.

This curious plant is easy to grow and maintain. And the benefits are noteworthy: Moss prevents soil erosion, gives back nutrients to the soil, and typically grows where other plants will not. Some even act as soil for other plants to grow, like orchids or ferns. When it comes to decoration and projects, there are many preserved mosses available to help enhance your final look. Let’s dig a little deeper and look at our top picks.

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SuperMoss Preserved Moss Mix

Best overall

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If you’re looking to try multiple varieties of moss, consider SuperMoss’ Preserved Moss Mix. One 2-ounce pouch covers about 110 cubic inches. This mix is the best overall choice for craft projects like miniature-home decoration or faux terrariums.

Sun Bulb Better-GRO Orchid Moss

Best orchid moss

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Sun Bulb offers the best orchid moss to grow orchids or securing ferns. It’s also ideal for transplanting delicate seedlings and offering an antibacterial, moist environment. One pack provides 190 cubic inches of organic moss.

Mosser Lee Spanish Moss

Best value moss

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If you’re looking for the best value moss to keep indoor plants healthy, consider Mosser Lee Company’s Spanish moss. One pack alone covers 250 cubic inches, which is ideal for helping plants maintain moisture or embellishing crafts projects and terrariums.

Moss is a simple way of upgrading dish gardens, terrariums, and indoor plants. As a plant, they’re very low-maintenance and hardy. For decorative purposes, try SuperMoss or Mosser Lee Company’s preserved mosses. Other mosses also help orchids and ferns grow by preventing transplant shock and securing roots in place. For this purpose, check out Sun Bulb’s Better-GRO Orchid Moss.

Make homemade weed killer in 8 simple steps
Get rid of pesky weeds without costly and toxic commercial products
Gloved hand holding a pulled weed with roots and soil still attached

Tired of battling weeds in your garden? These pesky plants can quickly take over gardens, lawns, and even walkways on your property, stealing vital nutrients from your gardens and making an unsightly mess. Commercial weed killers can be expensive, though, and often contain harmful chemicals. Luckily, you can create an effective homemade weed killer using natural ingredients found right in your kitchen! Let's explore how to make your own weed killer in just a few simple steps so you can clear your garden of weeds.
The natural ingredients in your homemade weed killer

When it comes to killing weeds naturally, three key ingredients stand out: vinegar, dish soap, and table salt. These common household items work together to effectively eliminate unwanted vegetation without harming the environment or your garden.
Vinegar is a common cleaning agent, but it's also a potent weed killer because of its high acidity. When applied to weeds, vinegar works to dry out the plant, ultimately killing it. The best part? Vinegar is nontoxic, making it safe for use in vegetable gardens and flower beds with delicate blooms. By opting for vinegar-based weed killer, you can effectively combat weeds while minimizing harm to the environment.
Dish soap
Dish soap serves as a surfactant in homemade weed killer, helping the vinegar to adhere to the weed's surface. This allows for better penetration and absorption, ensuring that the vinegar can work its magic more effectively. Additionally, dish soap is mild and won't harm beneficial insects in your garden, making it an eco-friendly choice for weed control.
Table salt
Adding ordinary table salt to your homemade weed killer is optional, but it can provide an extra boost in effectiveness. Salt works by dehydrating the weed, causing it to wither and die. Additionally, small amounts of salt in your garden can attract bees and other pollinators, benefiting your overall garden ecosystem.
How to make homemade weed killer

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The best ornamental grasses to beautify your yard
From ground cover to privacy, these grasses offer a ton of benefits
Country garden with a variety of ornamental grasses

Ornamental grasses are nature's paintbrush, adding elegance, texture, and movement to any landscape. Whether you're aiming for a serene garden retreat or a vibrant outdoor space, these versatile plants can be tailored to suit your aesthetic preferences and functional needs. Let's explore some of the best varieties to elevate your outdoor environment.
Visually striking ornamental grasses for focal points

Some ornamental grasses are so visually striking that they can serve as the focal point of your garden design. Their unique colors, shapes, and textures command attention, adding drama and personality to the landscape. Here are a few that are sure to make a statement in your yard.
1. Purple millet
With its dramatic purple foliage and striking seed heads, purple millet (Pennisetum glaucum) is a show-stopping addition to any garden. This annual grass thrives in full sun and well-draining soil, making it perfect for adding a pop of color to borders, containers, or mixed plantings.
2. Dwarf pampas grass
Dwarf pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana "pumila") packs all the visual impact of its larger relatives into a more compact form, making it ideal for smaller gardens or containers. This perennial grass produces fluffy white plumes in late summer, adding a touch of elegance and interest.
3. Ravenna grass
Known for its towering stature and graceful arching foliage, Ravenna grass (Saccharum ravennae) creates a striking focal point in any landscape. This perennial grass thrives in sunny locations with well-draining soil and is drought tolerant once established, making it a low-maintenance choice for adding vertical interest to your yard.
Mounding ornamental grasses that add texture

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Plant these 8 perennial flowers to have blooms all summer long
Get a garden full of of colorful blooms for the whole warm season
Chair beside blooming flower garden

Do you love the look of colorful summer blossoms but hate having to replant every season? Well, get ready to fall in love with perennial flowers that bloom all summer long. With options that work in full sun, full shade, and a little bit of both, there are literally dozens of choices at your disposal.

For best results, check the growing information for the perennials you select before planting to make sure that they work with your soil type, amount of sun, and growing region. By taking a little bit of time to research and choose the right types, colors, and styles of perennials for your yard or container garden, you can enjoy vibrant, sweet-smelling blossoms all summer long.
Perennial flowers that bloom all summer

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