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Are space heaters dangerous? What you should know to avoid a major safety hazard

When you’re feeling a bit of a chill, there’s nothing quite like the warmth of a space heater close by. While your home’s integrated heating system generally covers temperature control throughout the home, you may find that some especially drafty spaces need a boost of warmth. Maybe your basement needs to be more comfortable or your home office gets chilly. Often, space heaters are the solution to your electricity bill woes, as you can save some cash by turning down your home’s overall heat and focusing on warming just one or two rooms.

While a space heater can be a useful gadget for any of these purposes, it isn’t without its risks. Before plugging yours in, review some of the benefits and risks of space heaters, so you can stay both safe and cozy.

space heater in living room where woman and cat are sitting
New Africa / Adobe Stock

Benefits of a space heater

While the benefit of warming your toes under your desk may be enough to sell you on a space heater, these devices actually provide even more benefits since they are both efficient and convenient sources of heat.

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Can lower your heating bill

If you’re only using one room in your home for a large portion of the day, you don’t want to spend a fortune keeping the whole house at a comfortable 72 degrees, right? Lowering your thermostat and using a space heater for quick and direct heating can save you some cash on your home’s overall energy costs. This is particularly beneficial if you work from home since you can heat your home office directly from 9-5 without breaking the bank.

Portable heating source

One of the best things about space heaters is their mobility. Many models are lightweight and can plug into standard electric outlets as a power source so you can bring the heat with you as you move around the house.

Risks an electric room heater poses

Keeping your home and family safe is your first priority, so be sure to address these risks and prevent bodily harm or property damage in your home.

Fire risk

Space heaters are one of the leading causes of house fires. Because space heaters aren’t an open flame, many people don’t think twice about plugging one in next to flammable materials like curtains or atop an uneven surface. Additionally, improperly installed heaters can also lead to a fire if the outlet becomes overworked. For that reason, always plug space heaters directly into a wall outlet instead of an extension cord or power strip. The amount of power required to operate a space heater could short circuit the extension device and create sparks.

Burning risk

Since they’re a heating source, space heaters have components that can become really hot to the touch. Small children and curious pets may accidentally burn themselves if they get too close and touch the machine.

Tripping hazard

Since they come equipped with power cords, space heaters can easily create a tripping hazard, particularly if they are placed in the middle of the room. To keep everyone right side up, run cords along the wall of tape them down to the floor to reduce the tripping hazard.

white space heater on hardwood floor in office
Dmitry Galaganov / Shutterstock

Features of a great space heater

All of those risks are pretty intimidating, but luckily many space heater models come with features that address these possible hazards head-on.

Safety features

High-quality machines often feature cool-touch materials so they won’t burn the user if they get too close. Automatic shut-off is another necessary feature, powering down the machine when the unit tips over or the internal temperature poses a fire risk.

Large heating capacity

The size and heating capability of your space heater depends on the size of the space you need to heat. Some models can heat an entire room quickly and efficiently with their high heating capacity so you don’t need to plug in multiple units in one room.

Eco modes

Any space heater can save you money by reducing the output of your HVAC system, but some energy-efficient models can cut down on your electricity bill even further. Many are equipped with timers for those times you forget to turn off the machine manually, and others have energy-saving modes that kick in when the room’s temperature reaches a comfortable level.

Quiet operation

You don’t want to be annoyed by the blowing or humming of your space heater, so look for a model that offers quiet operation. These tend to be units that use radiant heat instead of fan operation.

While space heaters have their risks and downfalls, many newer models have safety measures and convenient features that reduce some of those negatives, all while giving you the energy-efficient warmth you need. With the right heater on hand to warm up your space, you can be warm, cozy, and safe this season.

Veronica Sparks
Veronica Sparks is a writer from Milwaukee, Wisconsin who loves writing about gardening, home décor, and DIY life. She’s…
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How does humidity affect your paint job?
Moisture in the air means there's moisture on the surface you're about to paint. A damp surface is not ideal for painting, and you may find that your overall result doesn't look as great as you'd hoped. Let's dig into the specifics of how high humidity negatively impacts your paint job.
Moisture could lead to mold growth
When you're dealing with high humidity, surfaces tend to dry slowly. When you're painting indoors, for example, you always want to wash your walls before slapping down a coat of paint, so high humidity could slow down the drying process. If your walls are damp when you start to paint, this could lead to mold growing between the wall and the paint. The mold will eventually grow through the new layer of paint, and you will need to clean the area and paint again.
Paint will struggle to dry
For most paint types to dry, the water in the paint needs to evaporate faster than the solvents. In high humidity, the water struggles to evaporate, making for a gunky, gel-like layer of paint. Eventually, when the humidity level falls, you'll find that this type of consistency will dry with a wavy texture since it has not been set properly. You likely won't be satisfied with the result.
Wood surfaces could swell
As you may know, moisture on wood causes it to swell. If you're painting wood when there's a lot of moisture in the air, the wood could start to swell a bit after you've put on a coat of paint. This swelling could cause cracks or chips in your coat of paint, which will eventually lead to the surface needing to be repainted.
Paint may not adhere to metal surfaces
Painting metal objects can already be difficult since paint doesn't adhere to them as easily as it does to wood or other materials. Humidity can worsen this effect, so if you're trying to paint something metal, it might be best to leave that for a drier day.

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A close-up of a gas stove

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Gas vs heat pump pool water heaters: Which one makes sense for your pool?
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Outdoor inground pool with white two story home

You've invested a lot of time, money, and energy into making your outdoor pool a clean, enjoyable feature in your home. And there's nothing quite like cooling off in that crystal clear water on a hot day. Pool heaters for in-ground pools can be even more of an investment, but the benefits of heated water in your outdoor oasis greatly outweigh the cost. You'll have a more comfortable swimming experience, and if you live in a cooler climate, you can lengthen your swimming season significantly. With the different types of pool water heaters on the market, what's the best one for your pool and the area you live in? We'll dive into the two most popular types so you can decide which is best for you: Gas vs heat pump pool water heaters.

Gas pool water heaters
Gas pool water heaters have been around for a long time, so they're tried and true options for heating your pool. They work by pulling water in and using natural or propane gases to heat the water. Then they return the water to the pool, all warm and cozy.
Pro: Heat your pool quickly
Gas heaters are popular among pool owners because they heat the water quickly and keep the pool's temperature stable, regardless of outdoor temperature. For this reason, gas pool water heaters are ideal for pool owners in cooler climates who use their pool less frequently, particularly at the beginning or end of the summer when the outside temperature fluctuates often.
Pro: Lower initial purchase and installation cost
Compared to other, more energy-efficient pool heaters, gas pool heaters are more economical upfront. Their price tags are significantly lower, running between $1,500 and $2,500, and the cost of installation can run as low as $500. Installation is particularly low if your home already has gas energy hookups. If you want to stick to a lower budget for the first year of use, a gas pool heater is a good option.
Con: Use more energy to operate
Unfortunately, if you're looking for the greenest option in pool heaters, gas heaters are not it. They use finite natural resources to operate, so they are not the most environmentally friendly option when compared to other types of pool heaters. They also cost more to operate overall, which you'll see on your energy bills. In general, gas pumps can cost between $300-$500 per month to operate, but you can save money by turning them off when not in use since they work quickly after being turned on.
Con: Higher maintenance costs and shorter lifespan
While initial costs are low, with so many moving parts in these machines, there is a higher likelihood that maintenance will be required. This could end up being an additional cost and headache. Gas pool heaters also tend to have a shorter overall lifespan than their heat pump counterparts since maintenance costs will eventually rise to the point where purchasing a new model will be more cost-effective.

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